Start Menu 7: Best alternative to the Start menu from MS
Best prog out there for a start menu, it shows you everything on your pc, instead of having to hunt for this or that [like MS] and that saves time and effort. The user interface has the simplicity of form and function which is primary [for all level users] as well as other added amenities [looks, as well as options]. This makes the product one of a kind. By maintaining this formula I believe this product will continue to have great success[any input to continue improving this product I support]. As a Home user [4yrs] I mostly use freeware progs[some great ones out there] due to finances[understandable]. But when I find a prog that's worth it, I will work towards getting that prog. And yours helps greatly in my studies [don't know what I'd do without it] laugh] starter college classes and now home learning and research into music [easy] video media [a little more complex in-depth] and now building my own pc[really complex in-depth]almost done] kind of lists where I'm at in the pc field. Not too much into programming but as a user of various progs I know a good one when I see [use] it. keep up the good work. Hope something I said in my input will help you in improving your product[s]. (Floyd P Jones)