
IP2Location IP-Country-ISP Database

IP2Location IP-Country-ISP Database

February 2025

IP2Location IP-Country-ISP Database: A non-intrusive geo IP solution to help you learn where your website’s visitors come from

When you have your own website, keeping your audience happy is an essential part of you gaining popularity. If you don’t know which country your visitors are coming from, how will you know what they’re looking for?

You won’t, which is why IP2Location IP-COUNTRY-ISP Database can prove to be an invaluable tool – It lets you quickly determine the location and ISP of your visitors. All you need to do is retrieve the IP address from your networking protocol or server side variable of the web server and then translate the IP address to an IP number in decimal format to speed up the database query. Then, reverse the lookup and you’ll have your answer.


- Displays the native language and currency of your visitors.
- Digital rights management.
- Is able to prevent password sharing and abuse of service.
- Can help to reduce credit card fraud.
- Allows you to view and analyze your web log stats.
- Gives you the opportunity to filter access from any countries that you don’t conduct business with.
- Enhances the control you can have over your website(s).
- Can pinpoint the exact geographical location of all your visitors.


Please note that you must also have Microsoft Excel installed on your system for this program to function properly.


Please note that not all entries will be available during this demo version.

Download Details

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  • File size:
    1.70 Mb
  • Updated:
    Jan 31, 2025
  • User Rating:
    3.5 / 5 (4 votes)
  • Editors' Review:
    Not yet reviewed
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