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LTspice 24.1.1
Simulate switching regulators and analog circuits with this handy to have application for electronics engineers
0 / 6,390
78.1 Mb

Create chemical molecule structure quickly and easily with this lightweight and easy to use application
0 / 4,144
1 Mb

Weather Display 2025.1.10
Keep track of the weather all over the world using this efficient and reliable application
0 / 5,833
2.8 Mb

TonCut 8.4.59 Build 15269
A comprehensive cutting optimization application that helps you cut the required pieces out of a material with as little waste as possible
0 / 3,930
26.5 Mb

Articulate 360 1.96.33815.0
Complex suite with many tools to update existing Articulate software solutions for the machine.
6 / 861
34.9 Mb

85 / 1,797
1.8 Mb

IceCream Ebook Reader 6.51
Great software to allow users to read their e-books on a PC without the need for a dedicated e-book reader.
10 / 840
31.1 Mb

GonVisor 2.91.01
Handy application for users that need a versatile tool to view and edit images in order to read manga and comic books.
25 / 1,739
2 Mb

OpenComic 1.4.0
One of the best software for users that want to read their favorite manga and comic books.
7 / 939
106 Mb

Astro Photography Tool 4.60
Great application for individuals that want to take up astrophotography.
9 / 762
111 Mb

Google Books Download 3.23.11201
Useful application for downloading books in order to be read offline.
10 / 791
64.4 Mb

PictoBlox 7.1.0
Useful program for understanding the fundamental mechanisms of how technology works.
19 / 1,253
713 Mb

OpenBoard 1.7.3
Great program for simulating a virtual classroom board on any PC for educational purposes.
29 / 1,811
187 Mb

Twine 2.10.0
One of the best software for creating games, using dynamic functions and user-friendly interface.
31 / 2,190
90 Mb

Vocabulary .NET 5.2.8595.8
Efficient utility to help users learn a new language by practicing both their reading and typing skills.
29 / 1,970
1.5 Mb

FBReader 0.12.10
Great e-book viewer with many features for users that want to create a digital library.
28 / 1,898
56.3 Mb

Ardora 10.2
Useful application for teachers that need to create assignments for students without the need of vast computer knowledge.
30 / 1,664
59.3 Mb

8 / 1,236
51 Mb

11 / 902
63.2 Mb

Easy Translator
Reliable language translating application to help users with translating phrases to and from any language.
8 / 740
13.4 Mb

7 / 855
128 Mb