
TubeBuddy for Chrome

TubeBuddy for Chrome


TubeBuddy for Chrome: Useful extension that offers detailed suggestions on how to grow a channel.

TubeBuddy for Chrome is an efficient tool that was designed to give users access to a full optimization plan, which offers suggestions for them to get better and grow their channel.

When installing the extension, users will need to register with their Google account in order to have access to the features the web-based services offer, and adding one or more YouTube accounts is mandatory, while bringing plenty of important functions like health report analytics, valuation, and suggestions on how much to charge, search rank, etc.

The program will always be available on YouTube for the users to use, for it will show analytics on videos that have the TubeBuddy icon, alongside all the details they need.

Users will be prompted with many suggestions on how to improve their channel, like comparative analysis with the market and with their direct competitors, thumbnail comparative analysis, video topic planner, compiled keyword tags that users might want to use in their channel, strategy tips, and many more.

TubeBuddy for Chrome is a great Chrome extension for users that want to detail suggestions on how to grow their channel.

Download Details

  • License:
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  • File size:
    20.60 Mb
  • Updated:
    Mar 03, 2023
  • User Rating:
    4.3 / 5 (11 votes)
  • Editors' Review:
    Not yet reviewed
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