29 / 2,252
78.1 Mb
18 / 2,234
207 Mb
Planetary Aspects and Transits 26.10
Explore the sky map to view world and personal transits of celestial bodies
24 / 2,132
3.1 Mb
29 / 2,037
118 Mb
FX ChemStruct 24.03.24
A powerful application that can automatically draw chemical structures based on the formulas you enter
21 / 2,002
71.7 Mb
18 / 1,861
45.5 Mb
DigitizeIt for Mac 2.4.0
A handy application that can automatically digitize scanned graphs and output data values
15 / 1,759
40 Mb
16 / 1,725
913 Mb
19 / 1,586
66.6 Mb
OpenBoard 1.7.0
Great program for simulating a virtual classroom board on any PC for educational purposes.
15 / 1,500
143 Mb
Astro Photography Tool 4.50
Great application for individuals that want to take up astrophotography.
6 / 647
105 Mb