Download Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) 21.01.2025.0
File: FRST64.exe (2.30 Mb)Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) can be downloaded from its external mirrors or from our own cloud mirrors. All the files come in their original forrm, as intended by the developer. We do not alter or repack the files in any way, the files from the BytesIn mirrors are simply re-downloaded and added to the cloud for more accesibility and download speed.
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Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) is offered as a free download.
Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) Download Overview
If you suspect malicious code might have infected your computer, Farbar Recovery Scan Tool, is a simple application that can scan your machine for suspicious items and fix any detected problems. It’s portable so you can simply run the executable and your Registry will remain unmodified, as oposed to classic software which creates new entries in the Registry in order to install.
The application was designed with experienced users in mind, as you’ll need to have a decent knowledge of command line arguments that are used to remove malware and fix any related issues in safe mode.
However, the tool can run in both normal and safe modes. You can use it to scan the entire system in which case it will output the results in plain text files, which will include a complete list of all applications installed on your machine, scheduled tasks, restore points, system errors, Windows accounts and other relevant information.
For detected problems, users can copy the entries from the log and save them in a file called ‚Fixlist.txt’. Then, it can be run through the application as long as it’s located in the same path.
Farbar Recovery Scan Tool can also search for specific files or Registry items in your system, based on keyword provided by you. Furthermore, you can narrow the search in certain areas like ‘Drivers MD5', ‘Shortcut.txt’, ‘Addition.txt’ or ‘List BCD’.